FIL 2023German Exhibitors Spector Books OHG

Spector Books OHG

Booth number: II 1 / HH 2

About us

Spector’s publishing practice is settled squarely in the intersection of art, theory, and design.

Based in Leipzig Germany, our publishing house explores the possibilities offered by an active exchange between all parties involved in the book production process: artists, authors, book designers, lithographers, printers and bookbinders.

The book as medium is turned into a stage, a site of encounter for productive exchange. Finding innovative approaches to the medium today calls for a well considered interplay between the content, design, and materiality of a book.


Spector Books OHG
Harkortstr. 10
04107 Leipzig

Phone:   +49 3412 6451012

Products & Services

Translation and Cultural Exchange
Academic Exchange
Illustrated Books
Architecture / Art / Design
  1. Ursula Biemann: Forest Mind. Sobre la interconexión de la vida
  2. Johannes Odenthal: Ismael Ivo. I Believe in the Body
  3. Dominique Buhler, Julia Fabry: La Troisième Vie d’Agnès Varda. The Third Life of Agnès Varda
  4. Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz: Stages
  5. Javier Fernández Contreras, Roberto Zancan: Intimacy exposed. Toilet, Bathroom, Restroom
  6. HKW - Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Daniel Neugebauer: Counter_Readings of the Body. DNA #3 HKW
  7. John Wriedt: Notes from the Underdog. Anotações sobre o Abaixo de Cão
    Agriculture for Subsistence in Porto. A Agricultura de Subsistência do Porto
  8. Jason Reed, Molly Sherman: Otherwise, It Would Be Just Another River

Ursula Biemann: Forest Mind. Sobre la interconexión de la vida

In the summer of 2018, Ursula Biemann was commissioned to undertake an extended field trip across the South of Colombia. Many surprising developments ensued from this initial journey in the Amazonian rainforest where the histories of colonial conquest and natural science intertwine. Forest Mind is the result of a series of territorial engagements through video-making, photography, academic research, personal narrative, and the co-creation of an Indigenous University with the Inga people of Colombia.
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Forest Mind - On the Interconnection of All Life

Johannes Odenthal: Ismael Ivo. I Believe in the Body

Born in 1955 in a poor district of São Paulo, Ismael Ivo became one of the world’s most famous and successful dancers. As instigator and director of festivals like the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna, he shaped dance history. He has now become a figure symbolizing Afro-Brazilian emancipation. I Believe in the Body brings together interviews from different periods of his creative career, visual essays by Anno Wilms and Dieter Blum, and a comprehensive catalogue raisonné.
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Ismael Ivo: I Believe in the Body/Johannes Odenthal

John Wriedt: Anotações sobre o Abaixo de Cão. A Agricultura de Subsistência do Porto

Notes from the Underdog / Anotações sobre o Abaixo de Cão looks at agricultural practices and the appropriation of space in the city of Porto, Portugal, and the different ways in which this phenomenon has manifested in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2011. The book recounts the stories of ten gardens and the people running them, who have resuscitated urban brownfield sites by growing fruits and vegetables as a source of food.
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Notes from the Underdog Agriculture for Subsistence in Porto/John Wriedt

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